bent man walking

On the Street Called “Straight”

Bentness is the human condition.
The Street called “Straight” is our escape.
Jesus Christ is the Way forward.

A Welcoming Prayer:
Father, God, I am a broken man. I walk with a limp. I have need of your support and accompanying Presence to walk the path before me. Therefore some people will say that You are just a crutch. My human temptation is to retort. But why? If I am disabled, then I NEED a crutch to ambulate. My gait is still crooked, but I am able to move ahead through my emotional struggles, my identity struggles, my wrestlings with sin, and the general challenges of life because of You. By grace and through Your steadfast love, I have gradually found greater freedom. And born of that freedom, there are these words I share–hopefully they may find a home in the hearts of other pilgrims. For comfort. For encouragement. For challenge. For setting free. Gratefully, through Christ my Lord, Amen.


10 thoughts on “Home Page”

  1. Brenda Shipman

    So glad you’re up and running with this, Mike! Looking forward to reading about your journey…

  2. I’ve heard that Jesus is a crutch for the last 40+ years. A person whose life was in the condition mine was (with a good distance yet to go) can certainly use Spiritual and natural “repairs”. I’ve often thought that Jesus was more of a stretcher, since I’m not able to move forward into the things of God without His help, without His rescue. Also, the only passage into His kingdom is not dependent on me. I say a stretcher is necessary!

  3. Hi Mike, love the look and feel of this new website! So inviting. And the prayer straight from your heart. Sent w a prayer that many weary souls will find it. You have such a gift for wrapping words around our bentness and our desire for the Lord Jesus to heal and restore. May this site shine like stars in a darkening world, showing the way to true north and home. Is there a place to subscribe for updates?

    1. Lael, thank you so much for your kind comment. It means a lot. I need to get the subscription process set up. You’ll be the first to know! In the meantime you can browse the posts on the Post Archive link. Thanks again. –Mike

  4. I am so grateful that God is bringing our family back into a closer connection. God Always uses every situation to bring blessings and goodness to those who love him.
    I LOVE it that we were all able to reconnect in Nauvoo, to honor my Uncle Olan! Thank you, Mike Webb. I love having such a brilliant cousin that loves the LORD the way that you do! You are an inspiration to me and many others.

    1. Robyn, it’s true: our family, limping as we can still be, is a miracle of grace. I’m continually amazed at how our “circle of cousins” has rallied around the Cross of Christ. It is wonderful to have that fellowship. Out of the ashes we rise, in the power of His rising! I love you, cuz! –Mike

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